If you dream about working in computer science, you’ll want to get a bachelor’s degree. Students with a bachelor’s degree in computer science have higher salaries than students without a degree.
But, like all other degrees, the cost is high…
Luckily, studying computer science makes you eligible for some pretty awesome scholarship opportunities! In this guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about computer science scholarships. Stick around until the end because we’ll be giving you tips on applying for scholarships.
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Check for scholarshipsCan You Get a Scholarship For Computer Science?
You absolutely can get a scholarship for computer science! In fact, there are thousands of scholarships available for computer science majors.
Bringing students into the field of computer science is critical for the growth of the field. One of the ways companies attract students to the field is by awarding them with scholarships.
You’ll be able to find scholarships of all sorts. There are merit scholarships and need-based scholarships. There are also scholarships based on residence and grade level.
There are also many scholarships for students from underrepresented backgrounds in the field. This includes women, minority students, and the LGBTQ community.
Some of the biggest tech companies award scholarships to students interested in computer science.
Colleges and universities also offer scholarships to students interested in the field.
What Can You Do With a Computer Science Degree?
“Computer science sounds interesting and all, but what exactly can I do with it?” The answer is a LOT and they don’t all involve working in Silicon Valley! Computer science is the study of software systems. Students might pursue jobs as IT consultants and cybersecurity analysts. They can also work as software engineers and web developers.
Finally, many students continue to graduate school to increase their knowledge and opportunities.
What is a Good Computer Science GPA?
The average GPA for students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in computer science is 3.13. This translates as a B average.
Determining what a good GPA depends on several factors. It depends on things like the school you are attending and the classes you take. Of course, it will be harder to have a high GPA if you study at an ivy league school versus a community college. The same goes for advanced classes.
When you apply for jobs right out of college, companies take your GPA into consideration. But, they also value your experience and skills.
If you are applying to graduate school, you’ll want to focus on your GPA. The higher the GPA, the better off your chances to get accepted into a program.
Computer Science Scholarships
There are thousands of scholarships out there for computer science majors. Here are just a few of the best ones to get you started on your search:
(Note that computer Science absolutely counts as a STEM subject!)
Blacks at Microsoft Scholarship
Microsoft awards $5,000 to African American students. Applicants must major in computer science or engineering. They also must have a minimum 3.3 GPA and be in their senior year of high school.
Society of Women Engineers Scholarship
The Society of Women Engineers offers multiple scholarships to female students. They must be pursuing computer science or engineering. Award amounts vary.
Joseph P. and Helen T. Cribbins Scholarship
The Association of the United States Army awards several scholarships for students. Applicants must be pursuing STEM majors. The Joseph P. and Helen T. Cribbins Scholarship awards two $10,000 scholarships. Applicants must be active with the AUSA. They must submit a personal statement, letters of recommendation, and a transcript.
The Microsoft Tuition Scholarship awards students pursuing a STEM major. The scholarship covers their full cost of tuition. Students must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA. Applicants must submit a letter of recommendation and a personal statement.
The Edison Scholars Program awards $40,000 to 30 high school seniors. Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and plan to pursue a STEM degree. They must live in Southern California Edison’s service territory.
The Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association awards scholarships to undergraduate students. They must be sophomores or juniors and majoring in STEM fields. They must have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Award amounts vary.
The IEEE Presidents’ Scholarship awards $10,000 to the winner of the ISEF competition. Competitors must present an engineering-related project. They must be pursuing computer science degrees.
The CyberCorps Scholarship for Service Program (SFS)
The SFS program awards scholarships to students for three years of study. Students must pursue a bachelor’s or master’s degree in cybersecurity. Winners must agree to work for the Federal Government after graduating. They also must do a 10-week summer internship
The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship
The Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship awards $10,000 to female students. Applicants must study computer science at an accredited university. Undergraduate and graduate students may apply. They must show leadership and have a strong academic background.
Tips on Winning Computer Science Scholarships
We want you to win as much scholarship money as possible for college. So, we’ve put together some tips for you to use while you apply for scholarships.
- Know what area of Computer Science you’re interested in. Computer Science is a big field with a wide variety of options. Narrow down what you’re interested in. Then, search for scholarships based on your specific interests. There will be fewer applicants the more you can narrow it down.
- Skip scholarships you aren’t eligible for. There are so many computer science scholarships available. It isn’t worth your time to apply to scholarships for which you aren’t eligible.
- Create an excel sheet of scholarships you’re interested in applying for. This can help you stay on top of things like application deadlines and requirements.
- Consult with experts. Talk to your guidance counselor and visit the career center at your high school or college. Spend time researching companies. Professionals might have scholarship opportunities for you. Or, they may be able to steer you in the right direction.
- Start working on your applications early. It takes weeks to put together a scholarship application. Scholarship committees will require you to submit transcripts and test scores. You will also need letters of recommendation and personal statements.
- Make use of your uniqueness! Everyone offers something special. You want to bring out your unique self as much as possible in your scholarship applications. Scholarship committees value this in applications.
- Highlight relevant skills and experience. Talk about things in your application that actually apply to computer science. Scholarship committees will care less about your involvement on the school dance team. Instead, talk about projects you’ve completed and awards you’ve won that relate to the field.
Final Thoughts
Computer science is a very exciting field to be a part of. While the costs of getting a college degree are high, there are many, many scholarships for computer science majors.
Make sure to start your search early. Apply for scholarships you are eligible for in areas you are interested in and make sure your application stands out.
Finding and applying to scholarships can be a pain, but the degree is absolutely worth it, and scholarships can help make them affordable.