The thought of paying thousands of dollars for your college degree is terrifying. And the idea of being that much in debt is even worse. The average 2016 college student graduated with a debt of over $37,000 for their education.
Most students are not able to afford the cost of college on their own, and that’s okay. There are tons of scholarships and financial aid that you can apply for to help you pay.
If you don’t want to end up with a lot of debt, financial aid and scholarships are key. But, many students don’t find the time or motivation to search and apply for scholarships. They are busy studying and participating in clubs and sports, which is also important.
The fastest path to earning scholarships
Simplify and focus your application process with the one-stop platform for vetted scholarships.
Check for scholarshipsOnce they do find time to search for scholarships, they are overwhelmed by the results. There are millions of scholarships available for students. They may be athletic scholarships, merit-based scholarships, or scholarships for specific majors.
The problem is that students don’t know how to search for scholarships in a way that is efficient. That is where scholarship matching services come in and save the day.
Scholarship Matches
There are many scholarship services which help you find scholarship matches which are right for you.
All that you need to do is sign up by creating a profile with your personal information such as your GPA, your major and ethnicity. These matching services are then able to give you a list of scholarships based on your profile.
At ScholarshipOwl we match and apply students to scholarships that they qualify for. Simply sign up, enter your personal information, and we do the rest. Plus, when you sign up, we automatically enter you to win $1,000 in the “You Deserve It! scholarship.”
Other leading sites
Fast Web
Fast Web has over 1.5 million scholarships in its database. After you create a profile, the site matches you with scholarships
They claim to have over 2.7 million different scholarships. Make a profile and they’ll match you with opportunities that fit you.
The College Board is popular for its college planning tools, but it also has a scholarship matching service. Fill in as many details as you can in your personal profile.
Cappex has a database of more than $11 billion in scholarship money. After you create a profile, you can search for opportunities that match your strengths and skills. They also have a tool which allows you to calculate the chance you have of getting into a specific college.
Using Google to Find Scholarships
You can use Google to search for college scholarships, but you will need to you use a certain combination of keywords. Typing in ‘college scholarships’ will not give you specific results which are fitting for you. You will need to filter the results which are pretty time-consuming.
When you fill out your profile, you should answer the optional questions as much as possible. Students who answer the optional questions get more scholarship results.
Remember, the scholarship matching services do not apply you for the scholarship. After you receive scholarship matches, you need to continue the application process alone. The matching services also do not award students with the scholarships.
You can choose several websites to set up a profile on. Not all databases have the same scholarships so several profiles may give you access to different scholarships.