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Study tips for college.
College can be an incredible experience. You might be living on your own for the first time, far away from your family and all that is familiar. You’ll be meeting new people, going to social gatherings, and adopting an entire new way of life. 

As fun and exciting as it is, you shouldn’t let that throw off your focus of why you’re there. You are there to get a degree. Make good use of your time and work hard to get the most out of the academic experience. 

A lot of students have trouble with the academics, especially during the first semester and first year of college. The courses are completely different from what they are used to. The class sizes are much bigger, there is less interaction with teachers, there are higher expectations, responsibilities, and definitely a lot more work. 

There are also a lot of social distractions. There are parties, there are hangouts. Sometimes it may seem like college is one big party.

It’s important that you use your first semester to figure out how to best study. You want to start college off on the right foot. 

We want to help you succeed. Here are the best study tips for college that will help you stay on track. 

15 Study Tips for College

Find a Quiet Study Spot 

Study tips for college.
You might be tempted to get your studying done from your dorm room, especially if the weather outside isn’t so inviting. Unfortunately, this most likely won’t get you the grades you’re hoping for. Instead, find a place where you can study quietly and with no distraction. For some, this may be the school library. Others may prefer a cozy coffee shop that plays music. Go wherever works for you.

Choose a Study Method

Are you a flashcard kind of student? Or are you the kind of student that reads something over a few times and learns the material? Find the study method that works for you. You will be using it a lot.

Get Enough Sleep

College is a fun time. It can be tempting to go out and socialize, especially when there are things happening all of the time. But, studying is going to be especially difficult if you are falling asleep on your books! Getting sleep in college is extremely important. Avoid falling victim to peer pressure. Know what you need to do to succeed. The parties and fun times will always be there.

Set up Meetings With Your Professors or Ta

College courses are probably a lot more difficult than the classes you took in high school. Your professor and/or TA are there to help you. If there is a concept or assignment you don’t entirely understand, visit them during their office hours or set up a meeting with them. They can help you make sense of your confusion. 

Sit in the Front of the Class

If you are a student who is easily distracted during class, sit in the front. This will help you concentrate better. If you have friends in the class, you might want to sit away from them. You can explain to them politely that you want to focus in class and concentrate.

Take Notes

Study tips for college.
It is very important that you take good notes during class. Typing up the notes on your computer can make it easier and faster. If you’re going to go this route, consider turning your computer’s WiFi off. This will prevent you from being on social networks or ordering stuff on Amazon during class.

Turn Your Phone Off

Your phone can be a huge distraction while studying. If you know that you’ll be tempted to check Instagram or chat with your friends, turn your phone off. If you don’t think that you’ll be able to resist turning on your phone every few minutes to check, leave it at home. 

Take Classes That Interest You

This may seem like an obvious one, but it’s important to take classes that actually interest you. You are more likely to succeed if you enjoy what you’re learning. If you aren’t sure what interests you, visit your advisor. They can help you narrow down your options.

Find Study Partners

Many students find that having a study partner is helpful. College material can be confusing. If you have a friend to study with, you two can help each other out. Maybe they understand a concept that you don’t and vice versa. Having a study partner also helps with accountability. You are more likely to show up and study if you know somebody is waiting on you. 

Maintain a Healthy Diet

Having a healthy diet during college is very important and beneficial to your studies. If you load up on sugar and junk food, you are sure to crash when studying for your final exam later on in the day. You may find that it’s difficult to eat healthy foods in school, especially during freshman year when you have a cafeteria and unlimited amounts of food. But, there are always healthy offerings.

Take Breaks

Exams and paper writing can take hours. While it’s very typical for college students to cram, it’s important that you set up breaks for yourself. Go outside for a walk, go to the gym, meet a friend. Do anything that allows you to clear your head for a while. 

Stay Organized

You are going to get a lot of assignments in college and have a lot of tests. Nothing will throw you off more than being unorganized. Get yourself an agenda or use an app on your phone to keep track of all the different due dates and exams. Create a binder for each class to store all the papers and materials you get.  

Create a Study Schedule

Study tips for college.
Creating a study schedule is important, especially during exam time. You may have two weeks of back-to-back tests. This can be very overwhelming. To tackle all that you have to do, create a schedule for yourself. Break down your study days into chunks and designate every chunk to a different task. This can help you stay on top of all your responsibilities. 

Don’t Try and Do Everything at Once 

College assignments are big. You might not be able to get away with starting and finishing a paper in one night, like you could in high school. Instead of trying to do everything at once, give yourself more time to work on assignments and start them early. Spend 30 minutes working on the assignment every day so that you don’t end up rushing to finish it on the night before it’s due. 

Keep Reading Material Handy 

We all get stuck with time on our hands every once in a while. If you need to take transportation to get to school or find yourself waiting for a doctor appointment, make sure you have some reading material that you can go over. This will make the best use of your time. 

Final Thoughts

College can be a great time to learn a lot and figure out what profession you want to have. But, it’s also easy to lose focus. Use our tips to stay on top of your school work and succeed.