If you are a single mother, obtaining a college degree may seem completely out of the question. You may not be able to afford your children’s expenses, yet alone a very high college tuition for yourself.
It’s well known that a college degree is crucial. It can lead to things like greater job satisfaction and a higher salary.
The good news is that you don’t have to give up on getting a college degree. There are solutions which can make all the difference. And best of all, these solutions don’t come in the form of expensive loans which you’ll need to pay back.
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Check for scholarshipsInstead, they come as grants for single mothers. These grants can help lower the costs of your college education. They make the impossible, possible.
What Types of Grants Are Available for Single Mothers?
There are a variety of grants which single mothers may apply for. These grants may come from the federal government, universities, private organizations and companies.
Federal Government Grants
The federal government is very generous in awarding grants to single mothers. They award grants covering all areas from education to healthcare.
Some of the more popular grants include WIC and TANF.
WIC, or Women, Infants, and Children Grants helps single mothers pay for food, healthcare, and education.
TANF, or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Grants helps families in need. The grants may be used toward education and job training.
Pell Grants are also very beneficial to single mothers. Pell Grants are open to all types of students. But, single moms qualify for even
The amount a student receives depends on their level of financial need. Single mothers can sometimes even get free tuition to any college in the U.S.
Another type of federal grant which is helpful for single mothers is the FSEOG. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants are reserved for students with the most financial need. A single mother’s adjusted gross income takes her children into consideration. Single mothers can get between $750-$4000 in grants.
For students interested in a career as a teacher, the federal Teach Grant could be a good option. Winners of the grant can get up to $4,000 towards their education. Students must commit to teaching in low-income areas. To qualify, applicants must have a financial need.
State Grants
Single mothers may also get grants from individual states. Some generous states include Minnesota, Arkansas, Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin. Visit the U.S. Department of Education website to see what kinds of grants your state offers.
Non-Federal Grants
There are also many non-federal grants to help single mothers cover some of their expenses.
Single Parent Scholarship Fund
The Single Parent Scholarship Fund awards several types of scholarships. Their traditional scholarships award full-time students with $2,000 per semester. Students who win this scholarship can study at several institutions in Arkansas.
Capture The Dream awards their own Single Parent Scholarship. Single mothers enrolled at a 2 or 4-year school can win $1,000. Applicants must be residents of the Bay area.
The Jeannette Rankin Scholarship invites women over 35 to apply. Applicants must have a financial need. 75% of applicants are single mothers.
Scholarships from Colleges/Universities
In addition, many schools step forward to help out single mothers. Lakeland College offers the SMART program to student mothers with a financial need.
The Ford Family Foundation awards college scholarships to single parents. Winners can get 90% of their unmet college costs covered. Applicants must be residents of Oregon or Siskiyou County, California.
Helping Hands for Single Moms awards scholarships to single mothers in the Phoenix, Arizona area.
There are many more scholarships and even Pell Grants available for single mothers. A little bit of research can go along way in discovering opportunities to finance a college education.
Final Thoughts
It’s reasonable to get caught up in your children’s expenses and put your education on the back burner. But, college is an investment in your family’s future. Your college degree can benefit your whole family.
There are a ton of grants available to help you pay for your education and your family’s expenses. This makes a college degree more attainable for you.
As always, it is important to submit your FAFSA early on. As a single mother, you may file your FAFSA as an independent student. This will help you get even more money.
You deserve a college degree. There are so many organizations out there to help you make this happen. If you are ready to take the step, financial help is available.