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Introducing Kirsten Williams, our latest student to be featured in our spotlight! Kirsten was one of three winners of the $750 “Paying4College Quick Tips Scholarship” on the ScholarshipOwl platform! What is truly incredible is that Kirsten joined our platform on January 09, 2022, and she submitted an application for this scholarship the next day, while she was still in her free trial. You can imagine her surprise and excitement when she learned she had been selected for the scholarship! So if you’re wondering how quickly you might be able to earn a scholarship on our platform, you can see that it can happen literally right away!


Fast facts about Kirsten:

  • Year in School: High school senior
  • College She Will Attend: Texas A&M in College Station, TX
  • Educational Focus/Major: Majoring in Animal Science and minoring in Business Management
  • Career Plan: Hopes to become a veterinarian and one day own her own veterinary clinic offering low-cost services
  • ScholarshipOwl Member: Since January, 2022

Winning Entry:

Here is Kirsten’s winning entry for the Paying4College Quick Tips Scholarship: 

Check out our interview below and find out how earning this scholarship has helped Kirsten to make her education more affordable, AND take notes on her scholarship success strategy!

What led you to join ScholarshipOwl?

I heard about ScholarshipOwl by just a simple Google search for scholarships. I joined ScholarshipOwl because of the accessibility of scholarships after using the seven-day free trial.

Have you received any other scholarships from other sources beyond ScholarshipOwl?

In addition to the $750 “Paying4College Quick Tips Scholarship” that I earned through ScholarshipOwl, I was also offered the Presidential Merit scholarship at Texas Tech University

What features of the ScholarshipOwl platform do you find most helpful, and why?

The features that I find to be most helpful are the credibility scores and the number of applicants that have applied to the scholarships. I find that it saves me time when choosing which scholarships to apply for.

Compared to other methods of searching/applying for scholarships, what do you like best about the ScholarshipOwl platform?

I love how easily accessible the scholarships are. Other websites will make you click on ten links and register for five different websites just to apply for one scholarship, but ScholarshipOwl isn’t like that.

Which scholarship type(s) do you like the most, and why?

I prefer media/creative scholarships because they provide a way for me to show my character, rather than just a simple essay that doesn’t truly show who I am.

Applying for scholarships takes time, energy and persistence. How do you stay motivated to apply for scholarships?

I stay motivated by taking them one step at a time. It seems overwhelming when you look at the tuition costs as a whole, so I like to take it slow and think about how much one scholarship can help.

We would love to hear about your scholarship strategies! When you are using the scholarship platform, how do you decide which scholarships to apply for?

When I decide what scholarships I am going to apply for, first I look at the requirements, and then I look at the credibility of the source. After both of those are verified, I ask myself: How can I produce the best possible outcome for this scholarship?

What tip(s) can you offer to students that might boost their chances of earning scholarships through the ScholarshipOwl platform?

My personal tips for students will be to just apply to every scholarship, even if you are unsure of the eligibility, still apply because best case scenario- you are eligible and you win the scholarship.

How has the ScholarshipOwl community on Discord helped you with your college planning, financial aid / scholarship questions, and/or applying for college?

The ScholarshipOwl community on Discord has helped me with a various amount of tips when it comes to scholarships, and a lot of information that I should know.

When you found out you had won a scholarship through our platform, how did it make you feel?

After discovering that I won a scholarship through ScholarshipOwl, I felt very excited and less stressed because any money that can go to my college tuition, is a load of stress lifted off my shoulders!

If you could give one piece of advice to other students, what would it be?

My advice would be to start applying for scholarships early, and don’t be discouraged if you aren’t seeing results in the beginning. No matter what, keep applying for scholarships because the more effort that goes into the application, the bigger the outcome!

Lastly, what is your superpower?

My superpower would be to read minds because sometimes I just want to know what is someone’s thought process when they do things.