With our latest series, we’ll show you the students who win those scholarships. Our aim is for you to see that they’re human beings just like you and that you too can win a scholarship as they did. We’re starting off with Jordan Hughes, who’s won $6,000 in private scholarships so far.
1. What Are You Planning to Study in College?
I’m currently going for a double major in music composition for film, TV and video games and doubling in songwriting and producing.
2. What Do You Dream of Doing After College?
My goal is to become an official music composer so that way, I can create music to go with any kind of media to include video games, films, TV shows, short YouTube videos, that kind of thing.
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Check for scholarships3. How Will the $6,000 in Private Scholarships You’ve Won so Far Change Your Life During and After College?
The money I have won so far has helped me with getting the tuition paid for so I don’t have to stress about how I am going to pay for college. Instead, I can have more time to focus on college. I feel like it will help impact my grades and GPA and that way I can go for my masters and then really excel and absorb the information for the long term so that I am not that stressed with other factors that aren’t as important as learning.
4. What Made You Decide to Apply for Scholarships Instead of Taking out a Larger Student Loan?
I’ve always been, for lack of a better word, afraid of debt. I don’t want to go into college with debt and then leave college with a large amount of debt, so to me, it’s important to not be in debt to someone else and work more towards my future instead of having to pay off my past.
5. What Factors Helped You Choose Which Scholarships to Apply To?
Whenever I’m looking for scholarships to apply for, I usually double-check to make sure I’m eligible and then after that, it really all depends on the prompt. l will dissect the prompt and think a) is this something I’m knowledgeable about and b) is this something I’m passionate about. If it fits those two, then it’s a great fit. If it’s not something I’m very knowledgeable about, then I will research it and see if it’s something I see myself being passionate about. However, if I don’t feel like I’m passionate about the subject, I feel like someone else deserves that scholarship more than I do.
6. Describe the Feeling You Get Every Time You Win a Scholarship!
So, whenever I’ve gotten a scholarship so far, it’s always been a bit of disbelief but also a lot of relief because I’ve worked so hard on a lot of these essays and to know that someone thought it was good enough to award me with a scholarships is very gratifying and it’s a great experience to get to go through.
7. Do You Have a Unique Strategy When It Comes to Picking Which Scholarship to Apply For?
With ScholarshipOwl, the link to the actual scholarship webpage. I will go to the link and look at that company and their values. Once I get a feel of what their values are, I will see if they align with my own values and then I will try to make sure to express those shared values in my essay and give it more personality. So that way, I’m making more of a connection through them, which is really hard to do sometimes, but that is what I try to do.
8. Do You Have a Secret Tip on How You Can Make Your Essays Stand Out?
I think the biggest thing is to make sure you put in something about yourself in there whether it’s about you or not. Because if you show your own personality and writing even when it’s a research type paper, I think being able to show who you are and what you stand for is really important, so the readers get the sense of who you and that way you make that connection so they remember you.
9. If You Could Give One Piece of Advice to Other Students, What Would It Be?
I think my biggest piece of advice is being honest about who you are when you’re writing your essay. I’ve always been very transparent with who I am and I feel like that’s one thing that helps me win these scholarships and I think just trying to really show your voice through your scholarships and not be so mechanical is a really big part of it as well.
10. How Did You Hear About Scholarshipowl?
I didn’t hear about ScholarshipOwl from anyone, I was just researching scholarships on my own before I heard about it. I think when I researched scholarships, eventually, google put ScholarshipOwl in the mix of my search so I was interested when I read the title. And I probably thought it was a scholarship in itself so I clicked it to see what the scholarship was. Then I discovered it and I’ve been using it ever since.
“ScholarshipOwl helps me save a lot of time by not having to put in the tedious information over and over again so I do get to work harder and enjoy my time more!”
11. Applying to and Winning Those Private Scholarships Will Definitely Help Free up Some Time for More of What You Love. Do You Have Any Hobbies? Do You Think Hobbies Help With Applications?
Sometimes, it’s hard for me to do anything with hobbies because I like to read and compose music, play video games now and then if I have the time. Just because I feel like those things not only help me at the moment to relax but they also help me become a better artist because that way I’m exposing myself to different forms of artistry.
Writing gives me a sense of “oh, I really like this! This is a writing style I would like to emulate in my own writing”. Or I’m playing a video game and I listen to music and it inspires me to emulate something that will inspire other people. ScholarshipOwl helps me save a lot of time by not having to put in the tedious information over and over again so I do get to work harder and enjoy my time more.
12. Lastly, What Is Your Superpower?
If I had a superpower, I think it would have to be teleportation, just because I like to travel and I feel like having a free way to travel would be awesome.