Are you stressed about the high costs of college and asking yourself how you’re going to pay for it all? If you haven’t started applying for scholarships yet, now is the time.
Did you know that your social media accounts can actually win you college scholarships? If you’re already using them on a daily basis, why not use them for something other than uploading selfies?
If you’re a social media fanatic, then these social media scholarships are calling your name. Check out some really cool ones that you can easily apply to today.
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Do you love creating YouTube videos? Even if you don’t, this could be your chance to get started! The College Scholarship awards $1,000 to a high school senior or current college student. Students need to record a short video describing themselves and their achievements. They also need to share why college is important and what motivates them. Videos should be under five minutes. Students need to have a 3.0 GPA.
This scholarship awards $500 to students between the ages of 14-25. To win, students must share why they should win the scholarship in 10 words or less. Students must be attending college in the fall.
The Beyond Wellness Chiropractic Center, P.C., awards $1,000 every year to a graduating high school senior or an undergraduate student. To apply, students must write an essay on safety while driving. After the student submits their essay, their message will go live within a week. The student then needs to share their essay on their social media accounts. Those whose essay reaches the highest number of social shares will be selected as the winner.
To enter this scholarship, students must share an original photo to their Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. They need to send a brief explanation along with their picture. It must include the hashtag #ExmedScholarship.
The photo and explanation should show how education will help them positively impact the world. Students can win $500 for college. The deadline is June 30, 2019. Students must be enrolled at a two or four-year college. The winner will have his answer featured on the company’s Facebook page,blog,Twitter, andInstagram.
Simpletexting awards a $1,000 scholarship to a high school senior or current college student. To enter, students must write a response to the chosen essay topic. The topic changes every year but surrounds social media. This year’s prompt asked students to write about who they first texted when they found out they were accepted to college.
This social media contest will award $1,000 to three students in New Jersey. Students must submit an original social media campaign showing why it’s important to protect wildlife in New Jersey. Three students can win. All students who enter can win a day in the field with a wildlife biologist.
The VistaComm Scholarships awards $500 to a student who best describes what it’s like to grow up in the digital age. Students should discuss how their lives are affected by technology and how their lives would be different without it. Essays must be 1500 words. Current college students with a minimum GPA of 3.0 can apply. The deadline is May 5, 2019.
High school students of all grades can apply for this scholarship. To enter, students need to create a 30-second T.V commercial about the dangers of underage drinking or texting while driving. Middle school classrooms help judge the videos and choose the winners. 14 lucky students can win a scholarship from $250-$3,000. The deadline to apply is February 8, 2019.
Do you often find yourself doodling during class? Well guess what? Those doodles can earn you up to $30,000 in scholarship money! Students from kindergarten through high school are invited to create a drawing for Google for the chance to win major money. They can use any material they want to create their drawing. Besides winning money, the winner also gets featured on Google for a day.
David Tabachnikov is the CEO of ScholarshipOwl. Formerly at Waze and Google, David is an experienced CTO/R&D manager with over 10 years of experience of leading tech teams. David fervently believes that students should have greater access to education, and is passionate about using technology to help them achieve that goal.