1. LivSecure Student Scholarship
Applicants must be studying law enforcement, law, criminal justice, or a related field. Also, students must be a high school senior or a college freshman or sophomore to apply.
Requirements: Please select from ONE of the questions below, and provide your answer in 500-1,000 words:
- How do you view the current relationship between law enforcement professionals and civilians and how do you envision impacting that relationship in your career in law enforcement?
- What personal experiences or interactions initially attracted you to a law enforcement related career, and what do you hope to achieve from this career?
Moreover, make sure it is double-spaced and 12-point font.
The fastest path to earning scholarships
Simplify and focus your application process with the one-stop platform for vetted scholarships.
Check for scholarshipsAward: 3 awards ranging from $500 to $1,000
Deadline: July 1, 2018
Apply: Here
2. Simmons and Fletcher Excellence in Ethics Scholarship
Applicants must be currently enrolled in or accepted to a US law school and have a current high school or college minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
Requirements: All applicants must submit a 1,000 word or more essay on: The Texas State Bar for attorneys (as well as other state bar organization) highly encourages attorneys to perform pro-bono work. The essay should focus on the importance of providing free legal services to those who cannot afford it, and why this is beneficial to the community at large and to the legal system as a whole. Please also attach your acceptance letter or transcript from law school proving your status as a law school student.
Award: First place prize is worth $1,000 and second is $500.
Deadline: July 1, 2018
Apply: Here
3. A DUI Defense Scholarship
Students who are enrolled or plan to enroll in a law program to help them finish their education are welcome to apply.
Requirement: Write an original essay on the following topic: “Do you think standardized field sobriety is a good indication of someone being impaired? Why or why not?” Make sure your essay is creative and unique. Please also attach documentation of your current or upcoming enrollment in a law school.
Award: $1,000
Deadline: August 15, 2018
Apply: Here
4. Varghese Summersett Criminal Justice Scholarship
Open for students who have been accepted into an ABA-accredited law school for the 2018-2019 school year who have new ideas how to upgrade criminal justice system.
Requirements: Create a 90-second to 3-minute video that achieves one of the following:
- Educates the audience about DWI laws in Texas by incorporating interesting facts from our DWI information page (versustexas.com/fort-worth-dwi-lawyer/).
- Promotes safer drinking habits by suggesting ways to avoid getting behind the wheel if you’ve been drinking.
While you can get help from your friends, don’t use a professional service to create the video.
Award: $1,500
Deadline: July 1, 2018
Apply: Here
5. My Alarm Center Scholarship Program
This scholarship is for students pursuing law enforcement, criminal justice or a similar fields. Moreover, students must be graduating high school seniors or enrolled in college in their freshman or sophomore year to apply.
Requirements: In 500-1,000 words please answer one of the following questions:
- How do you view the current relationship between law enforcement professionals and civilians and how do you envision impacting that relationship in your career in law enforcement?
- What personal experiences or interactions initially attracted you to a law enforcement related career, and what do you hope to achieve from this career?
Award: $1,000
Deadline: July 1, 2018
Apply: Here