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20 College Dorm Hacks - get a coffee machine for your room

Living in college dorms is a bucket-list college experience. But we aren’t going to sugar coat it – they are a far cry from a five-star hotel. It can be a tough transition that takes time getting used to.

Living in a dorm might be the time of your life. On the other hand, tight quarters, lack of storage space, and bland walls may leave you feeling uninspired. But with a few quick tweaks, you’ll end up loving your dorm room. Here are some awesome college dorm hacks to make your dorm room the talk of your residence hall. 


Invest in a Mini Fridge 

Nothing screams comfort like having a carton of Ben and Jerry’s within arm’s reach when you’re about to unwind after a long day of studying. Save yourself both time and money by keeping a mini fridge in your room. If you plan on whipping up a quick breakfast parfait and want to keep a few basic items on hand, this one’s for you. Fridges are super helpful when you’re too busy to make it to the cafeteria for a meal. They can also help you make healthier choices instead of relying on fast food. It’s a one time investment that will save you in the future.


Become a Microwave Top Chef 

Craving banana bread, omelets or stuffed sweet potatoes? Who needs a fully-equipped kitchen for that? There are endless meals you can whip up in your microwave that will have your neighbors thinking Gordon Ramsey moved in next door! Start experimenting and invite some friends over to try your concoctions. You can print out some of your favorite recipes and keep them near the microwave for some no-brainer quick meals.


White Noise 

When hundreds of students live together under one roof, noise is inevitable, especially on weekend nights. If you’re a light sleeper or like to hit the hay early, white noise can be a true game changer.  


Blackout Shades 

Say hello to your new best friend. Blackout shades do wonders when it comes to getting the sleep you are likely lacking in college. A sunny weekend morning is bliss, but sometimes you’ll want weekend mornings to catch up on sleep. Just remember to open them once you’re awake for some vitamin D and a boost to your mental health.


Hanging Closet Storage

Closet space is hard to come by in college. Get some hanging clothes compartments for your closet to create extra space to store clothes. Another way to save space in your closet? Use really slim hangers to allow you to fit more items.


Floating Shelves 

Floating shelves not only give your room a clean and minimalist touch. They serve multiple purposes, be it decor, a book shelf, and a place to put plants or picture frames. 


Bedside Caddy

You know when you wake up in the middle of the night parched and in desperate need of water but you don’t have energy to get out of bed? With a bedside caddy, your water bottle will always be close by. These little fabric bags are one of the best dorm room hacks out there, especially for students who have a bunk bed or lofted beds. They have multiple pockets and are a great place to put small things like your phone, Kindle, or glasses.


Wake Up and Smell the Coffee 

We don’t want to encourage a caffeine addiction, but we know how hard those late nights of studying can be. While there are other ways to fuel yourself, like good old-fashioned sleep or a nutritious meal, sometimes a good cup of joe really does hit the spot. It’s fun to support small businesses and indulge in your local cafes, but all the splurging can do a number on your wallet. Instead, if allowed by your dorm, get a cheap coffee machine for your room, like a Keurig, to fuel up right from your very own dorm. If you want to go even cheaper, enjoy instant coffee courtesy of your microwave.


Storage Bins

Finding ways to store belongings in your dorm room without creating clutter takes true talent. While you may have gotten in trouble for throwing things under your bed as a child, in your dorm room anything goes. Plus, you will be doing it in an organized way. Buy some plastic bins that you can place under your bed to put extra clothing, bedding, and books. An inexpensive bed skirt can help conceal the storage. 


Desk Shelves

Desk shelves are crucial if you don’t want your desk to be in disarray. Trust us, organization is such a big part of succeeding in college. Desk shelves give you space to store things like books, supplies and fun things like candles and pictures. 


First Aid Kit 

We don’t want to sound like your mom and dad, but it’s a good idea to have a first aid kit on hand, just in case. You can easily make a DIY kit by putting together some band-aids, gauze and first aid tape, a thermometer, and some medicine. 


Roll Your Clothes 

If you like to shop, you’re going to face a real challenge in the dorm room. While you might want to cut down a bit on the shopping while living in the dorms, this hack may help you squeeze in a few extra articles of clothing. By rolling your clothes in your dresser instead of folding them, you’ll save space for those new jeans.


Multi-Level Shoe Rack 

Shoe racks are handy for more than your shoes. You can use them to store clothes, towels, and even books. Get a multi-level shoe rack for even more storage space.


Make Use of Doors 

Never before has a door been such a hot commodity. But in a college dorm room, you’ve got to make use of every inch of your room. You can use doors to hang your robe, coats, towels, hats, scarves and bags. You can even hang a shoe organizer on the door to store things like books, supplies, and toiletries. 


Silverware Organizer 

You can use silverware organizers for more than your forks and knives. Try storing your pens and supplies, keys, electronics, and other smaller items for an easy hack.


Save Your Soda Can Tabs 

Next time your dentist tells you to stop drinking soda, you can try this one on them. Although we encourage prioritizing your dental health, this classic dorm room hack is worth a soda or two. Next time you have a can, save the tab. Slide it on top of one of your closet hangers, and there you go! You now have room to hang another piece of clothing without taking up any more space. 


Freshen Up Your Room

We don’t know how else to put this so we’ll just say it- dorm rooms have the tendency to smell.  Most colleges ban the use of candles, so you’ll have to find other ways to deal with your roommate’s smelly shoes. Clip some dryer sheets onto a fan for a quick and cheap solution.


Plant Friends 

Indoor plants help brighten up the room

Owning plants is one of the first steps to adulthood. Adding some greenery to your apartment is a great way to liven up the bland space. Plants have many other benefits like improving your concentration and productivity. If you’re intimidated by the thought of keeping a plant alive, you can buy a low-maintenance plant like a cactus or succulent. 


Hang Up Art 

Uninspiring dorm walls can get the best of even the strongest among us. If you want to take your white walls up a notch, hang some art on them. While Picasso paintings might not be in your budget, you can print off some graphics and put them in cheap frames or hang some wall decals. Even some Washi tape on the doors, mirrors and closet can add a really nice touch.


Cozy Up With a Blanket 

Dorm rooms don’t exactly make you feel like you’re Kate Winslet in The Holiday. A fuzzy blanket can make you feel more at home in your space.


Final Thoughts 

Upon first glance, your dorm room leaves much to be desired. Before you withdraw your enrollment from college, take a deep breath. Dorm rooms may come basic, but these hacks can turn your dorm room into your home away from home.