Average Cost of Tuition in U.S.A
The U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) released a report of the cost for full-time students attending a 4-year program from the 2015-16 school year.
Per their data, the average price for an in-state public institution in the U.S. is $8,778, the average out-of-state public institution is $24,354, and the average for a private institution is $27,951.
Average Cost of Public In-State Tuition by State
The three most expensive in-state tuition is in Vermont ($15,062), followed by New Hampshire and Pennsylvania ($14,986 and $13,516, respectively).
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With that, the biggest percent increase of tuition from the previous year goes to Louisiana (11.87%), second is Alaska (8.24%) and third is West Virginia (7.07%). The average increase from the previous year across the entire country is 2.74%.
Average Cost of Public Out-of-State Tuition by State
The most expensive out-of-state schools hail from Vermont ($36,475), Michigan ($34,863), and Connecticut ($32,870).
The least expensive location is D.C. ($11,233), followed by South Dakota and Wyoming ($11,592 and $12,770, respectively).
Average Cost of Private Tuition by State
Massachusetts is the most expensive state with a whopping $40,761 price tag. After that, is Vermont ($39,518), followed by D.C. ($38,901).
The state with the least expensive private tuition is Idaho ($6,006), then Utah ($7.571) and finally, West Virginia ($11,721).
The highest percent increase from the previous occurred in New Mexico (9.33%), Nevada (8.67%), and California (7.78%).